Introducing Mini Royal`s
Perk System
In response to your requests, we added perks, or special abilities, so you can optimize your gameplay and customize it according to your own preferences. As of now, there will be 22 perks, where three of them can be equipped simultaneously.
There will be three levels for each Perk. With each level, the given ability will increase. Upon reaching level 3, a Bonus ability becomes available.
We've listed the new benefits below: Let us know what you think.

Level 1
Damage reduction from all calibers by 5%.
Level 2
Damage reduction from all calibers by 7.5%.
Level 3
Damage reduction from all calibers by 10%.
After receiving damage, movement speed is increased by 5% for a duration of 2 seconds.

Level 1
After being knocked down, you are invincible for another .5 seconds.
Level 2
After being knocked down, you are invincible for another second.
Level 3
After being knocked down, you are invincible for another 1.5 seconds.
A smoke grenade is launched once the player has been knocked out.

Level 1
Accuracy of hipfire is increased by 10%
Level 2
Accuracy of hipfire is increased by 20%
Level 3
Accuracy of hipfire is increased by 30%
Hipfire damage is increased by 5%

Level 1
Explosions cause 10% less damage to you.
Level 2
Explosions cause 20% less damage to you.
Level 3
Explosions cause 30% less damage to you.
The damage caused by explosives cannot reduce your health below 1hp.

Level 1
Your pistols deal 5% more damage.
Level 2
Your pistols deal 7.5% more damage.
Level 3
Your pistols deal 10% more damage.
Whenever a pistol is picked up, it will become legendary.

Level 1
The movement speed of your tactical sprint is increased by 4%.
Level 2
The movement speed of your tactical sprint is increased by 7%.
Level 3
The movement speed of your tactical sprint is increased by 10%.
There is a 30% increase in tactical sprint recovery.

Level 1
Your grenades now travel 10% farther
Level 2
Your grenades now travel 20% farther
Level 3
Your grenades now travel 30% farther
A flight indicator will now appear when throwing a grenade for better aim.

Level 1
There is a 10% increase in overall healing
Level 2
There is a 20% increase in overall healing
Level 3
There is a 30% increase in overall healing
In addition to granting yourself a speed boost, using a military flask also grants it to nearby (10m) teammates.

Level 1
Your fall damage is reduced by 30%.
Level 2
Your fall damage is reduced by 40%.
Level 3
Your fall damage is reduced by 50%.
Your roll off duration is 30% shorter after falling.

Level 1
10% faster movement speed when in a prone or crouching position.
Level 2
20% faster movement speed when in a prone or crouching position.
Level 3
30% faster movement speed when in a prone or crouching position.
You will no longer make any sound while crouched or proned.

Level 1
Smoke grenades allow you to dodge 10% of your enemy's bullets.
Level 2
Smoke grenades allow you to dodge 20% of your enemy's bullets.
Level 3
Smoke grenades allow you to dodge 30% of your enemy's bullets.
While scoping, enemies can be seen through smoke grenades. (Max. range 100m)

Level 1
An extra coin is now 30% more likely to be picked up
Level 2
An extra coin is now 50% more likely to be picked up
Level 3
An extra coin is now 70% more likely to be picked up
An extra reroll will be granted on trading-machines with better offers. (45sec cd)

Level 1
The cooldown of plungeroll has been reduced by 5%.
Level 2
The cooldown of plungeroll has been reduced by 10%.
Level 3
The cooldown of plungeroll has been reduced by 15%.
Plunge roll will now grant you an extra charge.

Level 1
While in zone, you will take 5% less damage, and gain 5% movement speed.
Level 2
While in zone, you will take 10% less damage, and gain 10% movement speed.
Level 3
While in zone, you will take 15% less damage, and gain 15% movement speed.
You gain a shield that absorbs up to 75 zone damage. (Once per game)

Level 1
The speed of your parachute is increased by 10%.
Level 2
The speed of your parachute is increased by 20%.
Level 3
The speed of your parachute is increased by 30%.
You will receive 50% less damage from enemy bullets while in the air after deploying.

Level 1
As soon as you are redeployed, you will receive a pistol and a full magazine.
Level 2
As soon as you are redeployed, you will receive an SMG and a full magazine.
Level 3
As soon as you are redeployed, you will receive an AR and a full magazine.
You will receive one extra air-boost while being deployed.

Level 1
You bleed out 10% slower when knocked out.
Level 2
You bleed out 20% slower when knocked out.
Level 3
You bleed out 30% slower when knocked out.
Each game grants you one self-revive.

Level 1
One extra armor plate can be carried.
Level 2
Two extra armor plates can be carried.
Level 3
Three extra armor plates can be carried.
The time it takes to equip armor plates is reduced by 30%.

Level 1
Reduces the travel time of your Grapple Hook gun, and increases the air velocity by 10%
Level 2
Reduces the travel time of your Grapple Hook gun, increases and the air velocity by 20%
Level 3
Reduces the travel time of your Grapple Hook gun, increases and the air velocity by 30%
Increases the range of your Grapple Hook gun by 10m

Level 1
The effective range of HE grenades is increased by 10%
Level 2
The effective range of HE grenades is increased by 20%
Level 3
The effective range of HE grenades is increased by 30%
When your HE grenade hits an enemy player, they will be knocked up in the air

Level 1
There is a 10% increase in revive speed.
Level 2
There is a 20% increase in revive speed.
Level 3
There is a 30% increase in revive speed.
Players who are revived will receive 100 HP and a 25% shield